Denbigh Centre

The Programme for Adolescent Mothers (PAM) was first offered to adolescent mothers in the parish of Clarendon in 2000. Between 2000 and 2015, the Denbigh Outreach was housed on the property of the Clarendon Health Department. Approximately 475 girls were served during this period.

In January 2016, a new building (retrofitted container) was erected on the grounds of the Denbigh Hospital to house the new Denbigh Centre.  The new building consisted of a classroom, office, kitchen, dining area, 2 bathrooms, a nursery and a washroom area.

The dining area has been converted to additional office space and storage. Our nursery can accommodate up to 10 babies at a time, and the classroom can comfortably hold 15 students. Our Centre is unique in that it is the only centre located on the compound of a hospital. This makes it very convenient for our girls to receive speedy medical attention when necessary.

The staff complement comprises an acting center manager, counselor, and two daycare assistants.

Part-time teachers, are employed to teach the core courses of English Language, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Integrated Science. Individual and Group Counselling sessions as well as Health & Family Life (HFLE) classes are conducted. The Parenting Curriculum was introduced in 2019 to encourage and assist the girls to become transformational parents.

Our students come from communities across the parish, such as Mocho, Palmer’s Cross, Lionel Town, Portland Cottage, and Four Paths, among others. Over the years, they have been reintegrated into high schools such as Denbigh High, Lennon High, Foga Road High, Garvey Maceo High, Central High, Kemps Hill High, and Bustamante High, to name a few. Several reintegrated girls have completed their secondary education and received CSEC and/or City & Guilds passes.  Some have gone into the working world.

To date, the Centre has served over 700 adolescent mothers through direct reintegration and other support services.

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